Packmoor Ormiston Academy achieves platinum award for increasing healthy modes of travel

  3 November, 2022

Pupils and staff at Packmoor Ormiston Academy are celebrating being awarded with the Platinum Award from Modeshift STARS, a centre of excellence for delivering effective travel plans in the education sector. It is now one of only 51 schools in the country to hold this award.

Packmoor Ormiston Academy is based in Stoke-on-Trent, has been working hard across the academy to increase sustainable travel through the implementation of an active travel plan. The active travel plan has been a collaboration between the academy and Modeshift STARS to increase active modes of travel into the school through several different initiatives.

The initiatives worked to engage pupils across the academy. Staff introduced monthly competitions that promote the most active class; pupils and staff alike entered the spirit of the competition which made this a fantastic initiative that has successfully driven down the use of ‘red modes’ of travel, including cars. The academy also uses a reward badge system to promote pupils to ‘actively’ travel to school. In addition, the academy promotes walk to school week and month and has worked hard to encourage pupils to travel to school by bicycle or scooter during the spring and summer months when it is safe to do so.

Pupils have taken the programme on board and are actively engaging in activities that have reduced the proportion of car travel. A group of junior road safety officers have taken on the responsibility of promoting active travel and they work alongside Stoke-on-Trent City Council to ensure that road safety is a top priority.

Following several years of achieving the gold standard, the academy increased active modes of travel by at least 5% for four years running and implementing an outstanding travel plan. The success of this programme has helped pupils make the best, healthiest choices that will allow them to make the best starts to their futures. The entire school community is thrilled to have reached this achievement and are continuing to take part in the initiatives to reduce ‘red modes’ of travel.

This has been part of a wider belief across OAT that individual academies should support opportunities that will protect the environment and make it easier for pupils to make healthy choices.

Sharon May, principal said: “I am so pleased by the effort put in by all our staff and pupils to achieve this award. At Packmoor, we strive for excellence in everything we do; we want to foster an environment of achievement and being recognised by Modeshift STARS is a fantastic success to be celebrated.

“This has been a whole-school effort, and the enthusiasm we have seen from staff and pupils reflects our values of teamwork and determination. As we go forward, we are going to continue to promote more environmentally friendly methods of travel.”

Sarah Grattage from Stoke-On-Trent City Council said: “Packmoor Ormiston Academy has worked so hard to achieve their Modeshift STARS award and it is reflected in the fact that they have received the Local Authority Primary School of the Year Award. It is a pleasure to visit the school and support their commitment to active travel and road safety. 

“I am particularly impressed with the fact that they begin to teach road safety from Nursery and reinforce these messages through the whole school. The school actively promote Park & Stride and reward children through the WOW scheme. A number of staff in school set an example to the pupils by walking and cycling to school and pupils are given the opportunity to take part in Bikeability Balance and Level 1 and 2.  Well done to everyone involved you should be very proud!”

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